Blitz (143/213)

From:David McMinn
Date:25 May 2000 at 10:29:27
Subject:Re: Recursive directory scans... :)

Hi Gareth

> > You could also have a look at the directory scanning source in my dir2html
> > program ( It does recursive
> > scans and it works :)
> Now, maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, but I can't seem to find
> anything in y our code resembling a search function... except in shitloads
> of ASM :)

I wouldn't say shitloads, just one function :) Besides, the ASM is for bubble
sorting :)

The directory scanning is in the createindex function (which gets called
recursively if you select to scann all subdirs), but now that you mention it,
it probably is OTT for an example of recursive directory scanning.

It is in there, hidden under all the crap for sorting out whether you are
saving to one file or not, and doing the HTML crap. I can extract the dir
scanning code if you want?

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